“Baubotanik” is a method of construction that utilizes living plants as the load bearing systems in architectural structures. Baubotanik takes advantage of the “constructive intelligence” of plants. At the same time the concept exposes architects and practitioners to the bio-dynamics and uncontrollability of the natural growth process. By attempting to control the growth process of the plants, the loss of control becomes inevitable. Through the exploration of this conflict, a form of architecture emerges that is characterized by accidental processes, hope and risk.
The term "Baubotanik" was developed at the Institute of Modern Architektur und Design IGMA at the University of Stuttgart. It blends both the fields of research and development, which allows architects, engineers, the humanities and natural scientists to conceive and realize projects utilizing living plants within the different perspectives specific to the individual disciplines.
The Construction method of using growing plants has been utilized to realize several projects in the last few years. In 2010 two design firms arose from the former “Entwicklungsgesellschaft für Baubotanik”, founded in 2007. Baubotanik research and practice has been further developed into different distinct profiles, which are documented and elucidated to on the Websites: Bureau Baubotanik and Baubotanik Ferdinand Ludwig. Furthermore, the work has been consolidated in the research group "Baubotanik-Living Architecture" at the IGMA.
Reports about
Publications regarding “Entwicklungsgesellschaft für Baubotanik” (Ferdinand Ludwig, Oliver Storz und Hannes Schwertfeger) and the research group “Baubotanik – Living Architecture" have been published both in print and online-media. Spiegel-Online, the Goethe Institute and the German Information Centre, New Delhi are providing articles in English.
IMPRESSUM Verantwortlich im Sinne de §6 Teledienstegesetz und des §10 Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag: Hannes Schwertfeger,, Storz Schwertfeger GbR
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